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Research Reports
Mid- to long-term development plan to secure the stability of waste treatment facilities
Ⅰ. Background and Aims of Research
1. Necessity for the regional balance of waste treatment facilities by increase in waste fly tipping or abandonment
ㅇ In recent years, with the increase in waste fly tipping or abandonment, environmental issues have occurred in all over the region of Korea. There could be many reasons for the waste fly tipping and abandonment. In this work, we quantitatively analyzed the current state on waste generation and treatment facilities for 17 municipal governments of Korea, to identify whether or not the waste facilities in the local governments (for 17 regional governments) have been balanced in terms of waste treatment capacity, the installed location, and the need for the waste treatment facility. From the results obtained in the study, we suggest mid-to-long-term research plans which lead to the regional balance of waste treatment facilities in terms of the treatment capacity, the installed region, and the need for a waste treatment facility.

2. Necessity for social acceptance in terms of equity of waste generation and treatment
ㅇ In order to build a waste treatment facility or to increase its capacity, it is important to select the adequate location (i.e., region) for the installation of the waste treatment facility, which needs acceptance of residents when a waste treatment facility has an environmental adverse impact on local residents. In this study, we analyze the characteristics of waste generation and treatment by region, and derive mid-to long-term research plans necessary to secure social acceptance in terms of equity of waste gene