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Research Reports
A strategic study to develop policy for sustainable development
Ⅰ. Background and Aims
o The Ministry of Environment has announced the national goals of sustainable development by 2030, the so-called ‘K-SDGs,’ in December 2018, which is part of the National Basic Plan for Sustainable Development.
ㅇ To upgrade the national policy framework in line with the 2030 Agenda, it is requested that governance, integration and coherence among sectoral policies, the financial basis, and the concept of green economy are enhanced.

o This study aims to identify key issues and tasks for the national implementation of sustainable development policy, focusing on the following themes:
ㅇ Reshaping national governance for sustainable development
ㅇ Enhancing policy coherence for sustainable development
ㅇ Increasing sustainable finance to secure investment for sustainable development
ㅇ Implementing sustainable development in business and strengthening green competitiveness (in line with P4G)
ㅇ Connecting international efforts for implementing the SDGs, including the United Nations High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF), to the national policy for sustainable development

Ⅱ. Current State and Limitations
o Over the recent five years, the KEI has conducted three research projects per year on average focusing on sustainable development policy
ㅇ The themes of the projects include ODA, resource recycling, the soil environment, environmental governance, environmental finance, and climate change.
ㅇ It is expected to include sustainable development themes with the increasing importance internationally and domestically, such as policy cohere