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Development and Application of Management Indicators for Sustainable Groundwater Management(Ⅰ)
Ⅰ. Introduction
ㅇWhen using groundwater in Korea, there are places where the amount of utilization is overwhelmingly high compared to the amount of development potential at the city and district level. The quality of groundwater is declining nationwide, and about 14.8% of the total groundwater samples exceeded the quality standard for drinking water.
ㅇThe national water management policy is aimed at “ensuring the use of water for future generations”, and sustainable groundwater management is necessary given its potentially high demand as a major water resource in vulnerable water supply areas and as a necessary water source in the climate crisis and future water shortages.
ㅇIn the absence of groundwater management status and policy performance measures and indicators, it is necessary to study information indicators for clear identification and understanding, considering social, economic, and environmental factors from a sustainability perspective.
ㅇThis study aims to establish the concept of groundwater sustainability and management indicators, derive management factors that examine social, economic, and environmental impacts, organize a groundwater sustainability management indicator system, develop indicators, evaluate the policy application of these indicators, review data availability, and conduct pilot applications.
ㅇThe spatial scope of this study is national as it aims to develop indicators to measure and evaluate groundwater sustainability at the national level, and t