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Quarry closed and exhausted mine recovery laws and cases: The European Union and The Netherlands Framework
  • Date2017-04-19 00:00
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Quarry closed and exhausted mine recovery laws and cases:
The European Union and The Netherlands Framework
Mine recovery has always been a contentious issue in different countries. The various valuation put into mining and the resources and waste have been analyzed by different economy ecologists looking at the valuation, appropriation of mining waste and resources especially after a mining site has been closed.
Further, mine closure planning is relatively new to the mining industry and has evolved since it was first developed as understanding and awareness of mining’s environmental legacy increased, more stringent regulations were introduced, and mining companies became financially liable for reclamation. Prior to the introduction of mine closure requirements and best practices beginning in the 1970s, mines were often abandoned without being adequately decommissioned or reclaimed by today’s standards. Abandoned mines have the potential to be safety or environmental hazards where infrastructure is left (buildings, open mine shafts), contamination is not addressed, or acid rock drainage is being formed. Over the last forty years, environmental concerns over abandoned mines and the cost to taxpayers for their cleanup have led governments to tighten regulatory controls on mine closure. (Klade, 2000: 18)
Mine land reclamation and closure plans are now required by regulatory agencies around the world, and are often a component of the environmental impact assessment process practiced in over 100 countries. Mine site rehabilitation has been integrated into the early planning process, even preceding the start of mine operations, and is now an ongoing consideration throughout the mine’s lifetime both from a technical and a financial standpoint. (Ibid: 20)
Mine closure plans are specific to each mine, and include details on how the mining company will close the mine site, how environmental protection will be achieved, and how the site will be returned to an acceptable state for a pre-arranged land use. The terms reclamation, remediation, rehabilitation, and restoration are all used to describe mine closure activities that attempt to alter the biological and physical state of a site. The terms are sometimes used interchangeably, and are closely linked, but refer to distinct steps in the preparation of the site for another use.
Mining site closure in The European Union and The Netherlands
The Netherlands has been a proponent of sustainable mine recovery laws that also problematize how to reclaim waste and soil from recycled building materials. Furthermore, it has also looked into the non hazardous waste to elevate the safety by reclaiming deep holes and transforming it into tourist sites.
However, because The Netherlands is part of the European Union, it adheres to the European Union’s Framework on Management of Quarrying and Ore-processing Waste” which lays out different scenarios on how to sustainably recover mining site, waste and quarry closures.
Quarry closed and exhausted mine recovery laws and cases 1
Assessment of risks linked to mining waste
The notion of environmental impact of mining activities is only fully meaningful if it includes a change in the initial environmental parameters, due to such activities. These parameters, which govern the "quality of the environment", may have several components: chemical composition of the waters, soils, etc.; biological diversity; visual aesthetic qualities, etc.
The major risks linked to mining waste for the environment are twofold:
First, risks associated with not only potential pollutant source (e.g. acidity and heavy metals in non-ferrous metallic ore) but also the specific environmental context and the presence of targets in the event of liberation. The possible risks from the potential pollutant source (such as acidity and heavy metals) in waste is dependent not only on the mineral characterisation of the solid but also on the quality of the potential leachates, the direct environment (soil, groundwater, surface water, air) and the potential targets (human, fauna and flora). The realisation of a Geographic Information System (GIS) specific to mining waste quantities and their pollution potential in different environmental contexts would thus constitute a tool in the assessment of risks linked of such materials (Rivas,  V. and Cendrero, A., 1996: 45). At the moment, such systems are used by some regional governments for the information management on land planning. The risk management with a GIS system in mining requires a considerable collection of specific data and additional series of external analyses. This system should be well defined and studied before to be developed. Then, results can be visualised successfully in the GIS system.
Risks associated with the stability of the tailings dam. With regards to the potential risk from tailings dams, it will be necessary to evaluate on each site the stability of tailings dam. Particular parameters such as exceptional climatological conditions should be carefully taken into consideration during the evaluation. In addition, common minimum safety standards for the design, construction, operation and monitoring should be developed and applied. These minimum safety standards could be built on the know-how of the profession. For example, improvement of management of waste (Ibid: 56).
The numerous regulatory texts, laws and standards, reveal that mines are a matter of concern to the national administrations. Mining waste are governed by general waste laws and texts. The extent, to which environmental concerns are addressed in these national laws, varies from Member States to Member States like The Netherlands. According to the commissioned report by the European Union, the amounts and types of wastes as well as a short deion of the national legislation of the various Member States vary.According to WWF (1999), a distinction can be made between the following three types of mine and related generated waste:
-    Abandoned/old mines,
-    Operating mines based substantially on old operating methods,
-    Operating mines based on new design. For abandoned mines, it is important:
-             to undertake site monitoring (including land form(s), geology, soil type(s), hydrogeology, flora and fauna, land use, heritage, overburden and waste characterisation, recycling potential, etc.) to obtain a clear picture of the situation;
-    to establish treatment objectives according to required future land use (for example, pollutant level in soil after treatment to be fixed depending on the proposed land use). For operating mines based substantially on old operating methods, it is essential to evaluate the control routine as regards pollution risks and the stability of the tailings dams, and to take all necessary measures to limit risks (for example, installing leachate collection tanks, etc.). Substantial changes in the operation and monitoring phases are likely to be necessary to ensure a sufficient level of environmental protection. For operating mines based on new design, it should be evaluated whether these installations as well as their control routine are sufficient to prevent risks of pollution or accident. Additional measures could be considered if necessary. The performance of old and new installations in terms of emissions and discharges have to be evaluated in order to see if differences in methods have an impact. All management of mining waste disposal facilities must take into consideration long term environmental issues, because these structures will more than likely survive both the mine and the mining company. This raises a legal problem as regards the responsibility for maintenance and repair of these facilities since liability, under most laws, cannot be endless. Even where the facility becomes a permanent structure, it is still necessary to fit the site with a permanent analytical and inspection system. Closure and after care operations are therefore of paramount importance to lower, as far as possible, the long term environmental risks. Research and development programs should continue around sets of themes specific to the various methods of mining-waste management.
Figure 2: Different steps of a mining activity
 Quarry closed and exhausted mine recovery laws and cases 2
European Union’s directive
According to Euromines, the EU has reckoned that decisions and future research and development must be based on current knowledge (for example results from foreign countries) but detailed further knowledge should be developed on:
·         the reactivity of specific mining waste; this could be approached in different ways such as leaching tests, long-term column tests and normalised tests as being developed in the context of the Landfill Directive. Even if there are no international standard, there exist a number of normalised test protocols for static and kinetic tests of acid drainage potential, which is a key characteristic with regards to waste originating from sulphidic minerals,
·         the behaviour of metallic molecules (originating from mining waste) in the subjacent geologic layers and prediction of their fate using tools such as geochemical and solute-transport modelling, Their behaviour within the waste deposit is also important (adsorption and other attenuation processes),
·         the discrimination between geochemical background and mine-impacted soils and waters,
·         the long term stability of dams,
·         the improvement of recycling practice related to the characteristics of mining waste,
·         the potential risks raised by certain covering techniques of tailing ponds (e.g. water cover),
·         the process management and protection measures during operation and their subsequent impact on the closure phase. This report presents the methodology employed, the obtained results and the current status of mining waste in the European Union. The above-mentioned considerations support the initiatives launched by the European Commission to set up an appropriate Community framework to ensure the safe and environmentally sound disposal of mining waste. Needs for coordination, information and specific actions on hot spot are necessary.
Figure 3: Different Types of Mining Activity Waste
Quarry closed and exhausted mine recovery laws and cases 3
On the domestic front: The Netherlands
The Netherlands has mandated the EWSR to lay down regulations governing shipments of waste products which cross borders. Depending on type of waste product, the intended use and the countries of dispatch and destination (and possibly transit), there are three possibilities:
1.     The transport of the waste materials is allowed, provided that the proper form with accompanying information is present (appendix VII document). This is also on the condition that a EWSR contract is concluded between the commissioning party of the transport and the consignee of the waste products. 
2.     The transfer is allowed only if all the countries concerned have given prior consent. To obtain thisconsent, there must be a notification submitted prior to transport. 
3.     The transfer is prohibited.
4.     The rules for non-hazardous waste products (green list for waste are, in principle, less stringent than for hazardous waste products (orange list for waste = appendix IV EWSR).
5.     Non-hazardous waste products intended for useful application can generally be transferred with accompanying information. At the request of country destination, stricter regulations are nonetheless applied for non-hazardous waste products in certain cases. This is particularly the case with the export of waste products to non-OECD countries.
6.     Shipment of hazardous waste products and of non-hazardous waste products that are intended for disposal shall be subject to stricter rules. Within Europe, there must be prior permission obtained from all the countries concerned by means of a notification procedure (see point 2 above). The export out of the European Union of waste products intende for disposal is even completely banned.
7.     The export ouf of the European Union of hazardous waste destined for recovery to non-OECD countries is also prohibited in all cases.
The EWSR has also set out what needs to be present in the transport of waste products:
If waste is transported over Dutch territory, then the carries must have been recognized by the Dutch Government via inclusion on the national list of companies that are allowed to carry, collect, trade or mediate in waste products, the so-called VIHB list of the NIWO Foundation (National and International Road Transport Organization). You should be able to submit this VIHB-statement(Rivas, V. and Cendrero, A., 1996: 64).
Subsequently, the supervisory authorities for the enforcement of the EWSR in the Netherlands is the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT). The inspections are carried out in collaboration with the police, customs, NVWA, Royal Netherlands Military.
In conclusion, the European Union has set out and standardized the terms on how to close mining and quarry sites in the territories of the member states of the EU. However, the policy sought to consider the variegated experiences, topography, and adaptability of the various member states under the EU. At the national level, The Netherlands has a streamlined approach on how to conduct closure of mining and quarry sites.
Euromines (1998-1999), Metals and Minerals Mining, Annual report (1998-1999)
Klade M. (2000). Survey and assessment concerning the environmental impact of waste materials produced in the exploration, extraction and processing of mineral resources, Thesis, Institute fur Bergbaukunde, Bergtechnik und Bergwirtschaft.
Rivas V. & Cendrero A (1996). Assessment of the Effects of Mining and urbanisation on Earth Surface Process in The Netherlands. Universidad de Cantabria, Santander.
WWF (1999), Toxic waste storage sites in EU countries, A preliminary risk inventory, IVM Report number R 99/04.
* Introduced here is an article written by one of KEI's environment correspondents. KEI invites students studying abroad and researchers working for foreign research institutes to send articles on various global environmental issues.