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KEI News
KEI Changes its Official Korean Name
  • Date2021-08-31 00:00
  • View353


As of 17 August 2021, the official Korean name of the Korea Environment Institute changed. The former name of the institute included the phrase Environmental Policy and its Assessment, which is not directly translated in its current English name. This phrase has been removed in the new name, which would make the direct translation: the Korea Institute of Environmental Research.


KEI endeavored to change its official name for nearly a decade. In 2012, Representative Cho Won-jin and 11 others proposed a bill for the first time. The rationale was that KEI's role and responsibilities should not be limited to studying and evaluating environmental policies, as it has endeavored to address a wide range of demands in environmental research, and has been, in fact, successfully carrying out such tasks. Reflecting its role and responsibilities accurately in its name was the long-pending issue for the institute.


The Act on the Establishment, Operation, and Fostering of Government-funded Research Institutes was amended on August 17 and finally, the new name officially came into effect after 10 years of hard work and effort. Now, KEI is undergoing necessary administrative work, after which, it is expected to start a new chapter with the renewed identity.


Expectations are high both inside and outside the institute about the contributions it is to make with the greater role and expanded areas of responsibilities.