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Winners of the 2018 KEI International Paper & Idea Competition
  • Date2018-12-05 00:00
  • View1,959

"Winners of the 2018 KEI International Paper & Idea Competition"


We would like to sincerely thank all students who have submitted entries to the 2018 KEI International Paper & Idea Competition organized by the Korea Environment Institute and sponsored by Korean Ministry of Environment, Korea Environment Corporation, Korea Water Resources Corporation and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific(UNESCAP).


Through a fair and objective review process, the following award winning papers and ideas have been selected.


Congratulations to all winners of the 2018 KEI International Paper & Idea Competition!









 스마트그리드에서 시간대 선호도를 반영한 실시간 가격 책정모형
: 게임이론적 접근

 박 일

KEI President Awards

 Evaluation of Korean Environmental Performance
: Focused on Manufacturing industry

 이 형 석

K-Eco President Honorable Mentions

 국제적 공유자원으로서 니제르(Niger)강 유역과 국가들의 협력적 제도구축: 오스트롬의(Elinor Ostrom) 제도 이론을 중심으로

 양 혜 인

K-Water President Honorable Mentions

 총 보유비용을 고려한 소비자의 최적 전기자동차 투자 모형: 실물옵션 접근법

 문 새 다 슬

 Honorable Mentions

 기후변화와 토지유형에 따른 말매미와 애매미의 울음특성 비교

 이 민 지

 Honorable Mentions

 The implementation of advanced well water treatment technology
based on cocoa peel waste reinforced clay modified by nature filter
to ensure sustainable development for clean water and sanitation



 Quantifying the Impact of Circular Economy Applied to
the Built Environment

 조 남 호


 Applicability of UV-LED/chlorine process for antibiotics and
antibiotic-resistant bacteria containing hospital wastewater treatment:
in the aspects of Ciprofloxacin (CIP) degradation, CIP-resistant
E.faecium inactivation, acute toxicity change, and energy consumption

 김 태 경










 미니멀리즘, 친환경적으로 생각하기

 류  민

President Awards

 폐의약품 처리 개선 제안

 임 경 석

Honorable Mentions

 태양열 에너지의 다양한 활용방안

 김 민 경

Honorable Mentions

 Operation of Mobile Gasifier for Waste-to-Energy Process

 남 호 석


 일회용보다 다회용 어때요?

 강 지 우


 황사를 막아보자: 풍력발전소를 이용한 황사저감 수막 커튼

 이 호 일


 Eco Spot Finder

 윤 성 훈





* There will be individual contacts about the procedures and schedules for the awards.

* The awardees will forfeit their awards in case of the violation for "Research ethics regulation' or requirements for the application. 

* In the area of Paper, the number of President Awards decreased from 3 to1 due to the ties in the score.

* In the area of Paper, the number of Honorable Mentions awardees increased from 2 to 4 due to ties in the score.

* For inquiries, please contact: +82-44-415-7732,   sykim@kei.re.kr