The 8th KEI Student Paper Competition
- Date2016-06-20 00:00
- View922
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8th KEI Student Paper Competition
The Korea Environment
Institute, a government-funded research institution under the Prime Minister’s
Office, is calling for papers on international issues related to the
environment, climate change, and sustainable development. Papers can be
submitted by both Korean and international students in first university degree
or graduate school programme.
August 1, 2016 -
September 2, 2016 (All entries must be submitted by 6PM KST)
Applicants must be, at
the time of application, either ENROLLED in a first university degree or
graduate school programme. (Students graduating in and after August 2016 are
eligible). Co-authored papers are permitted (max. 3 co-authors). ONLY
student-authored papers are eligible for competition.
Topics should be within
the broader scope of the environment, including subjects but not limited to
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs or Post-2015), Post-2020, climate change
adaptation, environmental informatics, environmental health, environmental economics,
climate change, environmental management, environmental impact assessment, and
living environment.
1. Papers
must be written either in English or Korean. They must be the
author’s original work and not previously published.
2. Completed papers
(English) should be a maximum of 5,000 words in length not including
references, appendixes (double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12pt font, 1 inch
margin) and utilize the guidelines used by the Chicago Manual of Style.
3. A cover letter from a
faculty member should be included with each entry, verifying your graduate or
undergraduate status and original contribution. Also, all applicants should
submit an official certification letter that verifies the enrollment status.
4. All papers must be
submitted in MS Word or PDF format, preferably via e-mail. Please send all
relevant documents to
* Personal contact
information (phone number and e-mail address) must be included.
Award Announcement / Ceremony : October 21, 2016 / November 25, 2016
1 KEI President Award (1
paper): KRW 3,000,000 and a certificate from KEI president
2 KEI Honorable Mentions
(2 papers): KRW 2,000,000 and a certificate from KEI president
3 KEI Finalists (4
papers): KRW 1,000,000 and a certificate from KEI president
* The award ceremony date
is subject to change and during the ceremony, winners (all authors or main
author) will be asked to give a brief presentation on their research. For all
award winners residing outside Korea, travel expenses to attend the ceremony
will be replaced by the prize and will NOT be reimbursed. Also, those who do
not attend the ceremony will ONLY receive a certificate.
1. The author of a
winning paper must specify that the paper has won the “8th KEI Student Paper
Competition” when submitting it to another journal.
2. Paper must be the
author’s original work and not previously published. Application or award may
be revoked as a penalty for plagiarism.
3. Copyright of the
submitted paper belongs to the author.
4. The author is
responsible for disputes arising from copyright infringement of all materials
used in the submitted paper.
5. KEI will obtain prior
consent of the author should it wish to modify or use his/her work.

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